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Dear customers,

without any prior notice from the manufacturer, a large number of INMARSAT-C systems - THRANE TT-3026 Mini-C - have been affected by a GPS rollover during the past week.

We offer now:
Onboard Wireless Connectivity (OWC)

Wireless harvest and transmit data in complex steel environments.
Connect to IoT sensors and data monitoring devices with Bluetooth or Modbus.

There is a new kind of logbooks – eLog electronic logbook from Anschütz

Your Benefits

  • Consistent, legible, complete logbook entries through electronic solution
  • High credibility of logbook entries through block chain technology

Dear Customers,

the IMO has introduced new rules for GMDSS-VHF devices with the guideline MSC.1/Circ.1460/Rev.3 (see attachment).

This concerns the VHF frequencies, the channel distance and rules for the number of digits being displayed on the VHF displays.

It has been a long-time companion. Almost 35 years to date. Unchanged!

A symbol of Quality and Reliability.

From the very first print by a dot matrix printer, onwards to a black and white ink-jet, then a black and white laser printer, until now, finally – digital print - Unchanged!